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Catherine Gurr
Company Artist

Haley Neisser
Company Artist

Dorrie Garland
Company Artist

Laura DiOrio
Company Artist

Shoko Fujita
Company Artist

Donna Salgado
Directing Artist

Vanessa Salgado
Company Artist
Deanna Beasom
Cassandra Coulas
Barton Cowperthwaite
Taeler Cyrus
Erik Debono
Da’Von Doane
Matthew Donnell
Ramon Gaitan
Kaitlyn Gilliland
Duane Gosa
Josiah Guitian
Meredith Hinshaw
Virginia Horne
Alejandra Iannone
Justin Jo
Allison Jones
The CONTINUUM Community extends far beyond the above artists.
These are previous CONTINUUM collaborators.
Ted Keener
Natalie Lambelet-Palacios
Kate Loh
Charles McCall
Milan Misko
Josep Maria Monreal
Nick Peregrino
Emily SoRelle Adams
Courtney Sauls
Kerry Shea
Kate Thompson
Shelby Traum
Matthew Uriniak
Eric Williams
Stephanie Wolf
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